Sustainability Policy

Fitness Management Training values the land, the Earth and the environment. We all need to make a greater conscious effort to look after our immediate environments, which will in turn have an overall effect on the planet.


  • Our services are provided online, reducing the need for travelling and reducing the carbon footprint of our team and our client’s teams.


  • Our cleaning products are soft on the environment including;

  • Earth / green products for cleaning

  • Tea tree oil for equipment

  • Washable re-usable cloths

Paper and Bathrooms:

Paper used in the business and toilets are all from recycled materials.
Staff are to use the cups provided for coffee breaks and single use coffee cups are not permitted to be used by the staff.
The majority of our client management is online reducing the need for a lot of paper use in the business.
Garbage bags are from plant based recyclable materials.

No Plastic Bottles:

  • Our staff are asked to bring their own refillable water bottle to the business and no single use plastic bottles or items are to be used. Filtered water and green tea supplied for staff.

Air Conditioning:

  • Separate air conditioning systems with fresh air options have been included in our office to reduce electricity and ensuring the air conditioning is on only at the times that are needed. Most days it is not needed.